Online Home Business Office for Away From Home Dads

If you have a successful home based, online, Internet business there may come a time that you need to choose to take that office elsewhere if only on a part time basis.

Most of you will yell NO! at me through your monitor who are in the home based business online industry. I would do the same thing to tell you the truth. I would not do it either. However, some people just cannot thrive at their business working from the home office. While the home Internet businesses are an attractive concept to them perhaps their spouse, children or pets do not or will not understand and are too disruptive to your business.

You can possibly avoid this situation with training and give and take with your spouse children and pets. If you are hearing the, you do not love me, line from your spouse children and pets maybe you can meet somewhere in between.

Acts as simple as having your children and pets set on your lap and be quiet while you are working will frequently satisfy them. Take pre arranged breaks for activity with your family to also satisfy them.

Taking agreed on and scheduled breaks to play and work with your different family members will also help. Remind them that you need breaks for yourself to chill out also.

Write a contract with your spouse and children that they help make, sign and agree to the terms. Train your pet to know that they will have play and walk times. Have the family help with tasks so they appreciate your business more.

To keep your business sanity you must get out of your house at least one hour everyday. This is a good time to walk with your dog and talk, offline, with your family. You are refreshed also.

Ideas will come from your subconscious at these rest times. Some will be good.

Do you find yourself too tempted by the TV in the next room or the refrigerator close by? How many modestly success entrepreneurs would you guess succeeded using these useless tools? Correct. None!

It is not that you have not succeeded at your home office online business. It may just be that you will succeed more elsewhere, and you will keep peace in the home too. Or will you?

If you have not left your job yet you must clearly lay out what your family, pets and friends can expect. If you do not do this clearly before you leave the job, disaster will follow. Got it? Good. Let us keep going.

This is only if you can not get your family to agree to cooperate and work with you. Explain that you worked hard and left your job to be home with them. If this fails you will just have to work away from home.

Loneliness could be a factor in moving the home base Internet business from the home. This will be true if you have no family or pets living with you.

An office environment may mean that other business people who run other entrepreneur businesses, like you, are down the hall.

The knowledge that you will run into people with similar business issues and conflicts at the copy machine or in the community break room can be good and helpful.

It is often a comforting thought. More comforting than trying to converse with your three year old about your client problems. Especially if a spouse is not home to support you at this time.

Perhaps just a partial move out is all that is necessary. You will still need to draw limits on your future growth at this time to control your life and happiness.

Friends and relatives will feel they can waste your time by dropping in during your working hours. They will say you are free to play now and even ask you to help them with their chores because you have more time now.

It happens. Just say no to these requests. This outside, of the home, office environment can result in more productivity. You will be less tempted to waste two hours at lunch with a friend, relative or business associate.

With business growth you might grow out of home office space. This is a common fact. When you hire employees, you need more storage, PCs or other equipment. You may start to have local clients that want to stop by your office.

If this happens once too often and you get tired of finding excuses to meet them for coffee at the local Tim Hortons you might start thinking you need a real office. If you have a family, bring them in on this carefully before you move out.

At this point you need to decide if you want to grow anymore. Is your business becoming the awful job you escaped from?

Is it going to cost you your family and marriage? Talk it over big time with your family before taking the next step out of your home.

A friend of mine moved his home based Internet business to a location where the fax machine kept going off in the middle of the night and calling him.

Cell phone calls can be disruptive at odd hours as well, as clients and business colleagues anticipate getting your voice mail, not realizing they are waking you at home. Email is the answer here.

Set hours that you can answer the phone and let your customers know your hours so they know what to expect. If someone wants to call you at unfair hours, even a customer, you have to draw the line of respect.

Sometimes you might have to let a good customer go. I have had to do this myself. Your sanity and peace come first.

With any major business decision, whether Internet business or large corporation, there are cons as well as pros to consider. The negatives are that you will be back to commuting, with the frustration, time consumption and even added danger of driving in this day and age when more people go through red lights and stop signs.

You will have the added expenses of furnishings, leasing, utilities, insurance and more stress you left at your old job.

Of course, if you have had to decline potential clients because you did not have the staff, time or facilities to complete their project, the decision might be easy. If the profit expected from the move outweighs the cost of the move, it may be well worth your time. If it is better than your old job and does not cost you your family, it may be worth it. Remember, just a part time outside office may be the answer. If you can still be happy, and not ruin your life, go for it. About the Author:
James M. Lowe writes original articles about home business opportunities.

Article Source: - Online Home Business Office for Away From Home Dads

Business, Home Business, Stay At Home Dads