The Power Of Positive Feedback

Have you heard the expression, " all you have is your reputation"? Well it has never been as important as on eBay.


As you begin searching for items on eBay you can learn a lot about the sellers. You do not personally know them, but you can see how they handle themselves in the business world so to speak by the way they control their auctions.

Everyone is always selling something, but on an auction site it has never been truer. So what do you have over the next Mom, and why should someone buy your teacup instead of theirs? Well perhaps their teacup is a little older than yours, or a bit fancier, but what if they were very similar?

There are a few things that may draw you to one auction over another, but in this article I only want to mention one, and that is the feedback. What is so important about the feedback? Let me explain.

EBayers care a lot about feedback. They care a whole lot. And perhaps they should. Really, you are buying something from Joe Blow whom you know nothing about. It is all heresay.

There is nothing more exciting then finally seeing the postman at the door with your goodie, you run down to grab your package, you run back up to open it, you call in the children to watch, all thrilled to see how perfect it is and BAM, you look and to your disbelief it is in very bad condition. Your teacup is cracked and looks nothing like it was described.

Your tummy takes a nose dive, your kids look at you like you were a little nuts to be buying that item in the first place, and you just want to scream. Now you feel powerless right? EBay does not have a shopping channel exclusive 30 day money back guarantee, so what next?

Aha, eBay does not leave you helpless though. They allow you to provide feedback on your shopping experience. Well now you have an experience all right. Here is a tool to bring down the vendor, and hard.

Yes, good old feedback. You can say whatever you want, for example, item purchased arrived in terrible condition, looked nothing like it was described, was cracked, or took way too long to receive it, or whatever you want. But the vendor will not get a green plus in the rating column, no he will get a red minus and that just may affect his future sales.

Think about this for a minute. If you could choose between 2 vendors, one has very good feedback, with always positive ratings and the other, well not so good, which would you choose?

I know I would go with the vendor who has the green pluses for sure. At least it gives you some kind of assurity that this person is for real.

People on eBay do not want to be had. They want to buy, yes, but they want the straight up goods on what to expect. There is no pulling the wool over their eyes here, this is not a game you are playing with the kids.

Even if the item being sold is cheap, it still has to be what it is you say it is and in the condition you say it is in, or you become a fake, and soon your sales will drop and your reputation will stink.

And guess what, you won't make any money on eBay. It is this important.

On the other hand, think of how nice it feels when you do something sweet for someone and they tell you how great you are. Well, if you read your customer comments and they are all positive and complimentary that might just give you a little boost, right?

But who really cares about how good you feel, it's about making money right? This is part of the recipe to making money on eBay. Keeping your customers happy is why they will continue to buy from you. It is that simple.

Trust me, your reputation will follow you, make it a good one.

About the Author:
Pauline Kiselbach is a single mom of two who started with nothing and built a wildly profitable eBaybusiness. She has put together a free multi-part mini-course to teach you how to generate quickand easy profits on eBay. Get it now at:

Article Source: - The Power Of Positive Feedback

Money, Buy, Ebay, Sellers, Feedback, Auctions, Vendor